You are not forgotten

You are not on the back foot. You're not behind, lost or gathering dust. You've not screwed up, changed your destiny or off track. You're not unreachable or beyond repair. You're not silenced or stifled. Your talents and gifts aren't lost or meant to be hidden. You are not alone. You are made for people and healthy relationships. You have a hope and a future. Every tear you cried has been collected. You will reap what you sow. No good work is ever lost in your life.

You are made for great things. The mundane will make sense. Even when it doesn't don't give up. Every small thing is working together for your good and God's story. The best life is a life not of our own choosing but one written in tandem with Him. Your heavenly Father always keeps watch over you. His eyes don't leave you even when you can't see him or feel him. He's still working on your behalf. When you think you've been forgotten that's when he's doing a deeper work in your heart and thought life. Everything moves together to build greater trust with Him. Look at the birds and the flowers, do they go without? Even the tiniest of forget me nots grow every year without fail. He's not going to forget or fail you.