Roots, who I am

This was the shift in my identity that I only realised in my early 20s, that changed everything I knew about myself and where I operated from. It changed how I rested, how I worked, how I saw myself and other people. It was a total U-turn in how I understood my place in the world and where I make an effort to come back to when external stuff tells me otherwise.

I am not my gifts or abilities. I am not my good works or best days. I am not my mistakes or weaknesses. I am not my achievements or accolades. I am not my blindspots or errors.

I am not my bank balance or possessions. I am not my career or job title. I am not defined by what other people might say about me. I am seen, known and loved. I am a daughter and continually being invited into knowing my Father God more.

I am chosenI am free to be myself. I am committed to discovering more of who I am, as God's able to show me. I am on a lifelong path of growth. He's more into who I'm becoming than where I've been. He's got a rock solid plan for me, with me all the way, in spite of the highs and lows.